My works are Inspired by NATURE and the ARTS: poetry, painting, dance and music.

I am working on series, exploring the variations on one theme. In the series 365 days composed of 365 paintings (30 cm x 100 cm each), I create an homage to the beauty of this world. These paintings are inspired by nature and landscapes, colors of o rose, old church frescoes or the variations of one color. Within these series, I also explore the rhythms and intervals within a group of 3, 4 or 7 paintings and specially the composition of a tryptic.

My recent series are about a leaf: Brissago, d'une feuille à l'autre


Born 1959 in Geneva, lives and works in Montreux and the Alps. 


1983 Lic. phil., Studium der Ethnologie und Psychologie, Universität Zürich

1988 Diplôme (Peinture), Ecole Supérieure d'Art Visuel Genève ESAV/HEAD

1986 -1988 Gaststudium bei Maria Lassnig, Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst Wien

2002 Doktorat (Dissertation über Kunsttherapie), Universität Witten-Herdecke

2020 Certificat d'Iconologie, Institut Saint-Serge, Paris

Solo & group exhibitions (since 1986)

Botanical drawings (1986-2001)

Art-therapy (1994-2002) in hospitals in Germany

Teaching & research & interdisciplinary art projects  (since 1989)  

Universität Bern, Stadt Zürich, Volkshochschulen Zürich & Winterthur & freelance 


Schweizerische Gesellschaft Bildender Künstlerinnen SGBK

Artistes Visuels Vaud AVV

Private P'Arts

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